Daisy Ricefish are highly adaptable, peaceful community fish, able to live in a wide range of setups.
But can you keep them without a heater? Can Daisy Ricefish be kept in coldwater? How are they affected by temperature? And what temperature should they be kept at?
This and more below;
Can Daisy Ricefish live in cold water?
Ricefish are able to live in a wide range of temperatures due to the nature of their constantly changing habitat, which shifts in conditions throughout seasons.
Daisy Ricefish however, are a little different from other Ricefish, and while many species can live in cold water, Daisy Ricefish can only tolerate cold temperatures to a degree, and so are considered temperate to tropical fish, as they prefer to stay in warmer environments.
Daisy Ricefish are able to tolerate dips in temperature better than most tropical fish, however, they will suffer long term if kept in coldwater, which regularly stays below average room temperature.
Can Daisy Ricefish live in a tank without a heater?
Daisy Ricefish can be kept in a tank without a heater, as they are able to tolerate cooler, subtropical conditions.
However, they do not like strong fluctuations in temperature, so if they are placed in a draughty room which often becomes very cold at night, and hot during the day, they can suffer from temperature shock.
Daisy Ricefish also generally prefer to be kept at tropical temperatures, and while they can survive without a heater, they will thrive if one is provided.
How long can Daisy Ricefish survive without a heater?
Depending on the time of year and the location they are being kept, they may never need a heater, or they may require one year round.
It all depends on how well insulated the tank is, where it is positioned, and how warm the ambient environment is.
For smaller tanks that warm up and cool down quickly, they may succumb to temperature shock fairly easily, as one particularly bitter evening can sometimes cause too much stress on the fish.
In a situation like this, it is always better to have a heater to maintain a more consistent temperature.
For larger tanks that hold onto the heat for much longer and have more gradual temperature changes, they may survive much longer without a heater, they may live just fine for many years without one.
For a tank in a cold space, like in a garage or outside, the tank could dip below 15C / 59F during the night, and the fish may succumb to temperature shock fairly quickly.
The colder it gets the less time the fish have, and after a matter of hours exposed below safe levels the fish will begin to suffer from cold related health problems.
After 24 hours, the chances of sickness and mortality are quite high.
Why do Daisy Ricefish need a heater?
Daisy Ricefish need a heater because they originate from hot and humid regions of Indonesia, where it stays very warm.
While they are able to live in cooler, temperate conditions without a heater, it really is best to keep your Daisy Ricefish at tropical temps.
They much prefer to be kept in tropical conditions, and will live much healthier lives if kept in a heated tank.
What temperature should a Daisy Ricefish tank be?
Daisy Ricefish are able to tolerate quite a surprising range of temperatures, what they dislike is large fluctuation between these temps, and avoiding large temperature drops is easily done by having a heater in the tank.
Typically it is recommended to keep Daisy Ricefish anywhere from 23C / 74F to 28C / 82F.
They can go outside of these temperatures by a couple degrees, and can actually be bred at room temperature (20C / 68F) quite easily.
However, if you want your Ricefish to really thrive, we suggest keeping them at 25C / 77F.
At this temperature they will be very healthy, will spawn often and will show brilliant colouration.
Types of aquarium heaters for a Daisy Ricefish tank
There are many different methods you could use to keep your Daisy Ricefish tank heated, involving all different setups and types of equipment.
We think a great heater for Ricefish is the Interpet Deltatherm Aquarium Fish Tank Heater SQUIRREL_TEXT_12950519
You may use equipment that keeps the entire room warm, you may use high tech titanium heating, or may incorporate very old fashioned methods of keeping the tank warm such as using polystyrene.
Whichever method you use, the most reliable and easy way to keep your Ricefish tank heated is through the use of a glass aquarium heater.
Glass heaters come in a range of sizes, and can be easily incorporated into all different setups.
Choosing an appropriate size is simple, all you need to do is correlate the wattage of the heater to the literage of the tank, so if you have a 50 litre tank, you will need a 50 watt heater, and so on.
Positioning the heater is also fairly easy, just be sure that the glass rod is fully submerged underwater at all times while it is powered.
For the best effectiveness, place it at a 45 degree angle, and stick it or suspend it against the back of the aquarium.
FAQs about heating a Daisy Ricefish tank
How do you test the water temperature in a Daisy Ricefish tank?
There are many tools you can use to test the temperature of the water in your Daisy Ricefish tank.
Some of the best by far are digital pens or submersible LCD thermometers.
These thermometers accurately show the temperature as an exact figure on a heads up display.
One of our personal favourite methods of taking temperature is through the use of a TDS meter.
TDS stands for Total Dissolved Solids, and these pens are often used to measure the mineral content within swimming pools.
TDS meters also give a very good temperature reading, and are extremely useful when applied to an aquarium, which is why we like to use them.
Using the dip pen allows you to quickly get an accurate reading on the temperature of your tank at any time with ease.
They are especially great if you have multiple aquariums, as you can simply dip the probe and receive quick readings from all of the tanks, without having to set anything up.
Do Daisy Ricefish fry need a heater?
Daisy Ricefish can be bred and raised perfectly fine at room temperature, although it is advisable to still use a heater as a safety measure.
While they can live and develop in cool water just fine, if you raise the fry in a small tank (as most people do,) the temperature can fluctuate drastically overnight due to the small water volume.
Temperature fluctuations cause stress to the body, and very tiny fry may not survive if things get too cold, so it is best to have a heater in the tank, just in case of any cold spiked during the night.
We prefer to raise the fry at 25C / 77F as this temperature allows them to grow quickly, and removes the risk of a temperature dip, which could stress the young.
What happens to Daisy Ricefish if the water is too cold?
While Daisy Ricefish can tolerate cold weather, they do have their limits, and those especially bitter winter days can be a little too much for them sometimes.
As the temperature drops out of their normal comfortable range, they will begin to slow down their bodily functions in order to save energy.
Their metabolism will slow down and they will become less and less active.
Once the temperature drops below 15C / 59F, they will begin to struggle, they will become lethargic and will start to suffer from high stress on their bodies as it continues to get colder.
Eventually it will become so cold for the Ricefish, that their organs will stop functioning, and they will be unable to perform homeostasis (which is to maintain balance in the body.)
Once the fish can no longer maintain effective homeostasis, they will die.
What happens to Daisy Ricefish if the water is too warm?
On the opposite end of the spectrum, being too hot can cause just as much damage, and an over exposure to temperatures too hot will cause damage to your fish if allowed to.
As the temperature increases, your Daisy Ricefish will speed up their bodily processes, resulting in a faster metabolic rate.
They will feed more, will become more active, and will start to show more frequent behaviours aggression and irritability.
They will become more flighty and overly boisterous.
Once the temperature is over 32C / 90F they will become highly stressed, and will be seen at the top of the water, rapidly flapping their gills, or staying near the bottom of the tank, pale in coloured.
If the temperature continues to increase further, the fish will become lethargic and their organs will eventually begin to shut down.
Unless you make an effort to bring the temperature back down to a safe range, your fish will die.
It is very important that you know what temperature the tank is, and that you make an effort to keep it within the ideal range for your Daisy Ricefish.